Friday, October 30, 2009

Whose been touched by angels?

Have just posted a discussion to 108 angels group. Whose been touched by angels.

As I wake to begin working with my wooden angels, I contemplate kindness.
Been practicing a meditation that was given to me in a mandala painting workshop by my friend Paul Heusenstamm (more about Paul at an act of simply holding kindness in my heart and watching kindness grow as a flower.

Amazing how my body is both able to take in the sweetness of the experience and condition the experience at the same time. I was reading in Cheryl Richardson's book about the art of being kind to ourselves. How kindness is not about 'giving in' but about standing in radical truth with a compassionate heart. I think we mix up so many emotions together under the guise of understanding ourselves.

I find I do condition my kindness. I wonder when I am not afraid and experience all of who I am if then innately I become more open to others.

Simple morning thoughts.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

108 Angels

Oct. 29th 2009.

The Heart of the 108 Angels project.

While traveling in Peru last March, I was taken to a high point around Puno. From this place one can see Lake Titicaca. This high mound is known as one of the gathering spots for shamans. Local folks arrive and search for a medicine person who will act as a master of ceremony for various rituals and blessings. People bring cars, figures of houses, amulets, etc. to these local shamans. They also bring their troubles, joys, and illness that are calling for healing. These local healers create dispatios (medicine bundles) or other ceremonies and offerings that will ease the needs of those who seek.

Here on this magical rock resides a chapel where many offerings are placed. The inside of the chapel is painted with heavenly scenes. On one of the walls lives a painted angel in a folk art style. I stared at this small angel for quite awhile, wondering why this figure and other angelic figures transfix and inspire us so.

I didn't think much of this angelic wonderment or meeting at the time. And to be honest was a little dubious of all the healers hawking their wares. The shamans were adorned with bibs, reminiscent of soccer bibs worn at schools when the same class is divided into teams so one team can distinguish itself from the other. These bibs announced and distinguished healers from lay persons and certified a right to practice as a medicine carrier. I was also distracted by the many radio, cell phone and T.V. towers erected on this spot as well. I wrongly judged the 'power' of the place to be a bit co-opted by these electronic giants. Two worldviews complete with their own 'technologies’ residing side by side. No competition, simply facts of the world changing and old wisdom still having a place.

Four months latter, when I returned to Maine, I began painting winged creatures and called them angels. In Peru embodiments of the mountains are said to fly. The mountains or Apus are grand winged beings and bigger than my conception of angels. I continued painting these figures and remembered the small painted angel found in the chapel. Clearly this little folk art angel had my number and was working me! Who am I to judge power? Being embraced by this chapel angel has become a wonderful lesson in humility and strength.

6 months latter, I find myself guided to paint 108 wooden angels.
I joke with folks that angels have possessed me. And though I joke, the project consumes me. I have more energy than I have had in years for my creativity. And I wonder where the angels and all the hours I’m spending with them will lead.

I will be updating the progress and sharing more about the mission of these small angels as it grows inside me.

For now, I am committed to recording the progress of the 108 angel project and the development of the angels.