Angel Relief
Disasters provide an opportunity for us to remember our oneness. We remember the heart of who we are. Something cracks inside us and for a moment, and we are one family. Brothers and sisters in need, we see each other and we hear the screams of help and we touch. The world has become so small. Technology affords us a way to see, hear, sense and we reach out. We want to touch because we have to. This is our nature. We help our tribe, we become one village, focused, and engaged with a song of unity in our hearts.
I have been moved by the out-pouring of love in the form of $ and resource that we Americans and the world can bestow on another country when needed. My heart ached when I saw the devastation the Earth Quake caused in Haiti. Charity’s and organizations like candy were there for the picking and I like many gave scattering my donation as seeds amongst three charities that I resonated with. I had a delightful time choosing. I was astounded by how many organizations have ‘helping’ as their mission. There also were so many corporations who stepped up and helped. Impressive to say the least!
I have also been touched by the power of mother earth and what she is capable of once again.
Perhaps in her own way she was sending a message. This may be her wake up call to us.
Yep, Mama is still in charge.
The world becomes smaller and smaller. With a flick of a finger we can organize millions of people. Those with electronic know how can install systems in a flash that allow aid workers, countries and people to come together via a phone. We can reach a loved one thru a database.
We organize airports and donate planes. Bulldozers and other rescue and medical equipment are flown in within hours. The amount of people with skills to help within a minutes is remarkable!
It took Mama Earth to shake us up. For the truth is Haiti has been crying a long time. The great conundrum is though economically pour, her soul is rich beyond measure. The art and music coming from Haiti is vibrant!
I like to look at the big picture. I can’t help it. It’s my nature. Crisis sharpens us. I guess my question is: Why can’t we find the sharpness we have in crises, when problem solving around issues that are dogging us here at home? (‘Affordable HealthCare For All’ for instance.) Over the past few years we have learned, we know how to solve problems. We’re good at it. I see, like myself, we have a kind of attention deficit disorder. We tend to loose our focus. We are great the moment the alarm is sounded. We feel alive. Threats are a daily treat or ‘Tweet’. My other question is: What happens in Haiti a year form now? We still haven’t finished cleaning up after Katrina. We know how to deliver aid effectively within minutes. Haiti once again reminded us how good we are at this. Millions of dollars are found at a moments notice! Amazing. Many of us like to help. How can we channel this energy more effectively at home? We know we can find money. (Saving banks has shown us this…) Red Alert America, children are hungry, and people are dying because they cannot afford to seek medical attention!! Alarm. Alarm. Our schools need funding…. !!! Perhaps if we keep the threat out of airports and in our cities and towns we could shine like the stars we are! A simple thought.
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