Friday, March 13, 2015

Things Fleeting

Yesterday I turned off the news.
I find the world filled with so much sensation.
I wonder where the 'good' inside us lives..

Shakespeare's quote from Macbeth:  "The evil men do lives after them, the good is oft interred in their bones." 

Oh the good lives in our bones.

We are bombarded by information. The frequency of news cast upon us as onslaught is not helping.
I feel myself become more defended against while listening to so much suffering rather than being compelled to move toward easing the torment.
I do what I can within my own community.  I know there is so more I can be do.   I find myself feeling helpless in the face of it all.

I feel manipulated by agendas. Why is this particular organization highlighting that bit of information at this time and choosing to leave equally compelling information out? What governments protocol is being slanted by the news reported and to what end? Unknowingly we are fed and become pawns to incentives that ultimately will not calm the storms. 

How do you and I become the angels we are in the midst of it all?  How do we grow and hold our light in the world?  There are many who hold small lamps of faith within the most terrifying of circumstance.  Can we help these lamp lighters, those aligned with good, and support their works of light? Can we feed our own light and strengthen our ability to be the change we choose to bring with what ever gifts we have?

I want to leave you this Friday with a quote from the Radiance Sutras translated by Loren Roche Phd.
In the wonder of something greater than all I could say or comment on, I find the beauty spoken of in these sutras so enlivening and compelling. 

'One day The Goddess sang to her lover Bhairava,

Beloved and radiant Lord of the space before birth,
  Revealer of essence,
Slayer of the ignorance that binds us,
You, who in play have created this universe
and permeated all forms in it with never-ending truth.
I have been wondering . . .
I have been listening to the songs of creation,
I have heard the sacred sutras being sung,
and yet still I am curious.
What is this delight-filled universe
into which we find ourselves born?
What is this mysterious awareness shimmering
everywhere within it?
What are these instinctive energies
that undulate through our bodies,
moving us into action?

And this “matter” out of which our forms are made –
What are these dancing particles of condensed radiance,
Are they an illusionist’s projection?
What is this power we call Life,
appearing as the play of flesh and breath?
How may I know this mystery and enter it more deeply?
Beloved, my attention is ensnared by a myriad of forms,
the innumerable individual entities everywhere.
Lead me into the wholeness beyond all these parts.

You, who hold the mysteries in your hand –
of will, knowledge and action,
Reveal to me the path of illumined knowing.
Lead me into joyous union
with the life of the universe.
Teach me that I may know it fully,
realize it deeply,
and breathe in the truth of it.

The One Who is Intimate to All Beings said,
Beloved, your questions require the answers that come
through direct living experience.
The way of experience begins with a breath
such as the breath you are breathing now.
Awakening into the luminous reality
may dawn in the momentary throb
between any two breaths.
The breath flows in and just before it turns
to flow out,
there is a flash of pure joy –
life is renewed.
Awaken into that.
As the breath is released and flows out,
there is a pulse as it turns to flow in.
In that turn, you are empty.
Enter that emptiness as the source of all life.'

Sweet weekend to you all.
Angel well my beauties.



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