Fire Angels
Last night several of us gathered around the fire and howled with the full moon. There were 8 of us. A friend’s 11-year-old son also joined the circle. It’s thrilling when kids are with us. At Pacha Works we have a tradition of allowing all to voice their intentions for the fire before the fire is lit. I am amazed at the ‘brightness' and light that is spoken by kids, and what their voiced wishes and dreams weave into the fire. Our soggy fire brightened, greeting the widely illuminated moon. I am grateful for all those who come and stand with me at fire, and blessed to have community in my life.
As I ruminate on all the concerns voiced around the fire last night and in particular the burden our children are carrying my heartaches. At 11, I didn’t live with planetary destruction at my doorstep. Thoughts that the Earth may become unsustainable for life, was not in my consciousness. Clean air to breathe, and water to drink was a given. Nuclear war however was a monthly event. I am a product of the tuck and duck generation. People actually believed we would be safe in the event of a nuclear attack if school children hid under desks. Ah, the selling of war. Now in today’s schools as many of our kids walk thru metal detectors, fire is the only drill in place. I hope complacency doesn’t kill our children’s spirits. I hope they remain as Obama’s stump speech ignited “Fired up and ready to go.” There is much to do.
The angels are being painted now. I must complete 3 a day. Staying on task becomes my practice. The discipline is intense. I laugh at myself. My neighbor walks and says Eva this is the fun part. Hmmm. I think: you’re not sitting here for 6 to 8 hours everyday painting angels. I’m so dammed lucky! The Buddhists title my place, fortunate birth, and they teach, with my excellent placement it is my duty to help others so we all may experience the same peace. Once again as yesterday, I think of what others are enduring at this moment and my complaints vanish. I will paint angels with relish and abandonment. And with each stroke I will become more aware and tuned to the dread, and the hope, and the grief, and the despair, and the bafflement and the joy I carry inside. The angle’s become an opportunity to watch thought and honor and release feelings. Painting angels becomes my meditation. It’s exciting to witness each angel take on personality as I paint. I am grateful for the gifts this project brings.
Today my peace action is painting angels. I am grateful for the opportunity to complete a round of 108 angel prayers for peace. I listended to Senator Mitchell yesterday. I believe we have to really want to undo conflict and believe we can. I agree with him when he reminds us humans have created this way of problem solving and humans can change the engagement. Honoring our need for destruction at the expense of others is becoming more and more un-acceptable in my humble worldview.
May I understand the pieces of violence inside myself, and heal these parts. May I have the courage to bring my destructive feelings and behavior to the fire so all may transform.
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Thank you for opening the space for Fire last night. Blessings to you this day as you paint. I too wish to find the courage to dis-arm my destructive feelings and behavior. May we continue to walk our path as friends. Thank you for this gift.