Sunday, November 1, 2009

Full Moon and Angels

Finished the grid last night and have drawn the design onto the 7.5'X10' grid. I've also placed all but 30 angels on the grid.
I’ve developed an allergy to wood.
Had all the angels cut out and in the middle of sanding, even though I was wearing a mask, my throat and lungs were beginning to clog up. One needs their lungs! Thankfully, my friend Ken will be sanding the last ones for me. He hopes to have them to me by the middle of the week. I will prime them when they arrive on Wednesday or Thursday and by Sat. the whole grid should be complete.

Today I begin tracing the angels onto tracing paper and then I will be tracing the piece of design each angel will embody onto the angels. The idea is for each angel to stand alone as a complete object and when part of the 108 flight, an embedded design code will emerge. Huge undertaking and I'm curious to see if I can pull this off.

Volunteering this a.m. early with the No on 1 campaign.
Helping with 'wake up call's' for Maine’s equality.
These calls remind other volunteers of their assigned duties and where to meet. Excited to be part of a piece of history in the making. So many folks are coming forward to help. I am amazed by the amount of activism that goes on in our state. “As goes Maine so goes the nation.” I wonder when we become the first state in our nation having gay marriage on the books, if other states will have the courage to follow? The world is changing so fast these days.

The moon this a.m. is so potent: a full moon in Taurus in the sun sign of Scorpio. My birthday is at the end of the month. I love the days leading up to my birthday more than my birthday. The anticipation about my birthday arriving has always excited me. The actual day of usually shocks me. Wonder what this is about. I’ve had some memorable moments. My children bringing me cards, friends surprising me, lovers making me sumptuous dinners and bringing flowers, and still I always feel let down. This is an opportunity to find out more about birthdays!! I'll be turning 57. When I see 57 in print it scares me. That is a lot of years to have walked the planet. I hope to see larger numbers in print. There is so much to be grateful for. I do hope I have the opportunity to help more in some small way. There is so much pain and so much joy. Sometimes I am amazed at how many lives and ways of living are going on at the same moment. Some are asleep, some are hungry, some are satisfied, some are in love, some are being hurt, some are hurting others and some are easing someone’s pain, some are eating, some are using drugs they are terribly addicted to, some are in hiding, some are fleeing, some are content, some are in anguish, some are struggling, some are alone, some are in loving families and some are not. Some live in a place of war and some live in a place of peace and some are in limbo and some are somewhere else. There certainly are a huge amount of discordant emotions, languages, cultures, ideas and beliefs all being thrown into the air at once. It’s amazing we can think at all with the airwaves so crammed. I'm beginning to understand the wisdom of creating peace.

May I become part of the great collage of humanity in a way that eases suffering and creates luminosity.

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