Friday, March 6, 2015

You've Been Angeled

My Sister and I have a small business called You've Been Angeled.  When folks ask me what 'You've Been Angeled' is about, I say, "It's about stepping into 'Angeldom' and 'Angeling' the world one angel at a time."  The general response is "Awesome" or "You've got to be kidding".  Or my favorite, "You must be mad!"  Or the dismissive "How cute..."

They'd put me away in some far away dark place if they knew I was actually serious.  I believe inspiring each other to step into our best selves, will change the world!  Naive, maybe, and maybe not.  Folks inspire each other all the time.  We know necessity is the mother of invention and creativity. And these days the news around us affords and encourages us toward calculated creative heights! 

I believe all of us at our core are good.  I believe we do want the best for ourselves, our families, our neighbors, our planet, and the world at large.  I believe stepping into a spirit of generosity toward all living things is good for everyone.  Yes we have horrible disruptive forces at play in the world, and I believe stepping into goodness may be disruptive in a different way and perhaps a bit more life affirming.  I know I'm not alone within this belief.  Zoe Weil speaks of creating 'solutionaries' in her treatise on Humane Education,  Charles Eisenstein tells us: "A more beautiful world is possible".  And many elders from many nations pray and encourage us to wake up and remember who we are.

Did you know being generous opens hearts! Did you know kindness really does pave pathways toward understanding? And when we're happier and kinder, we behave better and the stories we live for ourselves, each other, and the planet are more positive and productive. 

The old tales of interconnection still live amongst us. These stories can be found hiding between cracks of mountains, within branches of whispering trees, and running along the banks of babbling streams. They can be found in hearts of aid workers or in the hands of neighbor who shovels a walk other than their own. I know you've heard the helpful songs in your own backyard.  I choose to affirm and honor these stories,  for the substance found in these tales, is what earth and angels are born from.

How many of us saw Avatar and like the main character Jake Sully, a wounded x marine, did not want to leave the inter-dimensional world woven on the big screen in 3D before us.  A world where connection within the spirit world and nature remains intact.  A place inside us pines for the recognition that we are still connected to the mythic tree of life portrayed in the story.  Within the onscreen life of Avatar, we remembered ourselves as whole spirits re-connected to everyone and everything.  We remembered how we longed for this world, a place where how we behave mattered to everything. Within this big screen world, we again subconsciously realized that we as individuals had worth in the collective calling of life.  As the screen went dark and the lights from the theater emerged our souls ached... for we remembered.

The angels sit with me and remind me that stories of a world laced together are alive and well. These stories are still felt in many sacred places and in many hearts. Madison avenue is invested in tearing us from the root of connection.  When we understand we are whole, we may not need to 'buy' out of lack.  When we understand that stones and rivers can sing to us, we may be reminded of our own true voice. This voice speaks and tells us that we are enough in the face of of everything.  This belief of 'being complete' will sustain us and give us courage. We will understand we no longer have to take everything our planet has to offer in destructive ways in order to be whole.  We will trust that we can live affordable sustainable lives.  The beautiful world we inhabit daily can and will teach us.  Our job is to listen.

This is the story I and the angels choose to tell.


  1. What a beautiful concept and course of action. I see the angel in you. May your inspiration be multiplied by those you inspire.

  2. What a beautiful concept and course of action. I see the angel in you. May your inspiration be multiplied by those you inspire.
